Second Passport

A passport is an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

Why Second Passport ?

For successful business icons, spreading dogmatic risk beyond one jurisdiction is the single most important thing and is highly recommend today. Obtaining a second passport and citizenship in another country is the solution because it's a fundamental step towards minimizing the risk of being subjected to the views of any adverse situation.

Make Yourself an International Person

Second passport allows you to invest, bank, travel, reside, and do business in places with freedom and opportunity. Obtaining a second passport can literally open the door to a world of internationalization options for your assets and income that are off limits to citizens of certain countries. Also, the enormous benefits of a second passport will last for generations. You will be able to pass on your multiple citizenships to your future children and grandchildren.

Enjoy Visa-Free Travel

One characteristic of a good passport is how much visa-free travel it allows. Applying for a visa that has to be approved before your trip is a real hassle, frustrating, time-consuming, and costly process. Choose a second passport that gives you visa free travel facility.

Avoid Being a Target

With a second passport, you could easily avoid being the a target of any awkward foreign policy blowback situation anywhere with your original passport.

Avoid Movement Restrictions

Avoid Movement Restrictions. A second passport is extremely handy when you face any movement restriction with your original passport for any unforeseen reason.

Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee

Having a second passport ensures that you will always have another place to potentially call home, another place where you will always have the legal right to live and work. In worst-case scenarios, a second passport guarantees that once you get out of ambiguity, you won't have to live like a refugee.

Renunciation for Regulatory Benefit

You will need a second passport should you decide to take the drastic step of renouncing your citizenship. This allows you to reap huge regulatory benefits if you feel suffocated where you are now.

Not Easy, But Necessary

Unfortunately, there are no paths to obtaining a legitimate second passport that are at the same time fast, easy, and inexpensive. However this does not diminish the necessity of doing so. Surrounding risk is growing in most parts of the world.

Your Option ?

Want to get a second passport without moving? Third House International Ltd can arrange it within 3 to 6 months what you can use for visa free entries around 130 countries like Canada, UK, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore etc.

It is essential in these shark-infested waters to have a trusted resource like us to provide you with reliable information.

Call us today to to get your second passport in weeks.

Second Passport